Commercial Construction Building Envelope - Chad Fisher Construction
What’s A Building Envelope?

What’s A Building Envelope?

The term “building envelope” comes up often in the architectural and construction sectors. You may have heard this term and not fully understood its meaning. To better understand how the right construction techniques and materials will affect your business, you need to know how these choices are made. The building envelope is a major determining factor in these choices. But what exactly is a building… Read More

Chad Fisher Construction - 2022 Commercial Construction Trends - Skagit County General Contractor
Commercial Construction Trends 2022

Commercial Construction Trends 2022

Each year, the commercial construction industry is heavily influenced by the year preceding it. The pandemic in 2020 and 2021 has therefore given rise to smarter technologies, a declining workforce, and the need for new construction materials. These are all rising trends one should look out for in 2022. So, to stay ahead and prepare for the year ahead, take a look at this guide… Read More

Sustainable Energy Commercial Construction - Chad Fisher Construction
The Benefits of Sustainable Commercial Construction

The Benefits of Sustainable Commercial Construction

As as good steward of the environment and in partnership with our clients, we are constantly looking for innovative solutions to help our clients reduce energy costs, while doing our part to find sustainable solutions in our projects. Commercial construction tends to be one of the largest consumers of materials of any industry and, in turn, produces waste. As such, adopting more sustainable practices is… Read More

How Technology Will Change Construction Industry - Chad Fisher Construction
How Technology Will Change Commercial Construction

How Technology Will Change Commercial Construction

Recent years have seen the rise of cutting-edge technology. This could have a huge impact on the commercial construction industry – for the better.  The adoption of this innovation in construction may provide benefits that put companies one step ahead of the rest. On the other hand, failing to keep in step with these advances could significantly disadvantage companies in the future. Let’s dive a… Read More

Energy Efficient Construction
5 Construction Techniques For Energy Efficient Buildings

5 Construction Techniques For Energy Efficient Buildings

When it comes to saving costs in the building industry, the operational costs over the course of the building’s lifetime could mean the difference between a profit or loss. You should always take both the initial capital and long-term running costs into account when considering the feasibility of a structure. Introducing measures that contribute to the building’s energy efficiency is a common way to minimize… Read More