What’s A Building Envelope?

Commercial Construction Building Envelope - Chad Fisher Construction

The term “building envelope” comes up often in the architectural and construction sectors. You may have heard this term and not fully understood its meaning. To better understand how the right construction techniques and materials will affect your business, you need to know how these choices are made.

The building envelope is a major determining factor in these choices. But what exactly is a building envelope? And why is it important to the success of your commercial building? We answer these questions and more in the article below.

Building Envelope: The Definition

A simple definition of a building envelope is that it cloaks the exterior of your building, preventing the unwanted loss of air from the interior. This does not, however, prevent necessary ventilation. It merely prevents the loss of air where it is not warranted.

Features such as walls, roofing, windows, and any type of siding all form a part of a building’s outer shell. And therefore they are also elements of the building envelope.

The Importance Of A Good Building Envelope

Here are the main reasons why a building envelope is so important.

Less Energy Needed

A building envelope not only saves you on running costs but also lowers future repair expenses and reduces your building’s impact on the environment.

It does so by cutting down on energy needs and therefore energy bills. Properly sealed windows, walls, and doors mean fewer air leaks that could increase the need for central heating.

More Weather Resistant

The local climate will have a big influence on the energy needs of your building, as well as the degree of wind and water resistance needed.

A strong building envelope also reduces the chances of water getting in, in adverse weather. This may be of particular importance in areas prone to severe weather conditions.

How To Ensure You Create The Best Building Envelope

Experienced Contractors

The success of your building envelope is largely dependent on the team putting it together. This is where the expertise of a qualified and experienced building contractor is of the most benefit.

As regulations for commercial buildings change, you need a team that stays informed and up to date with these changes.

Expertise & Specialized Knowledge

A commercial contractor, that is also familiar with your area, will base their decisions on what is right for local weather conditions. They will be able to advise you on the best materials for strong, secure, and watertight construction.


Good design entails more than just aesthetics. A well-designed structure is built to withstand the elements, and this has a direct bearing on the building envelope. Everyone from the architect to the builders has to bear this in mind.


Another very relevant factor is your choice of building materials. There are two reasons for this, namely the quality and type of materials used.


It can be tempting to try and cut corners and costs by using cheaper materials. But too often, these low-cost materials are also of inferior quality. And this will harm the integrity of your build.

Firstly, it means that your building may not hold up against poor weather and storms. Secondly, inferior materials mean a weak structure, prone to laborious and costly repairs. This will only cost you much more money than the right materials in the long run. Cheaper materials can lead to expensive problems down the road. 


The type of materials used will also influence the air sealing and waterproof qualities of your structure. Some materials are naturally more porous than others and this will allow moisture in that could weaken your entire structure.

This is why brick, wood, and stone exterior cladding usually require an insulating barrier underneath. You can have almost any material that you desire, as long as you have the safeguard of a waterproofing seal.


Rather rely on new construction technology and advanced techniques, such as BIM, to get things done much faster and more cheaply.

With the right construction technology, human error is also vastly reduced. This will inevitably lead to a stronger and more reliable building envelope and structure. And with higher reliability and shortened time schedules, you can have a strong and safe building that meets all your needs.


The vague term “building envelope” may not at first seem that interesting. But as you now can see, it is of the utmost importance for any successful commercial venture. A robust building envelope is a key to an affordable and secure commercial structure.

At Chad Fisher Construction, we have 40 years of experience in the field of construction and know the importance of a strong and safe building envelope. We also have the expertise to choose the right materials and tools for the job, every time. Contact us today with any queries you may have in this regard.