Building A Culture of Safety In The Workplace

Construction Workplace Safety - Chad Fisher Construction

Behind every successful construction company is a solid system of safety protocols. This is because a culture of safety in the workplace ensures workers feel valued and provides a conducive working environment. This ultimately results in a higher quality and standard of work.

At Chad Fisher Construction, workplace safety is a core value that we place a very high priority in everything we do in our business.

But, achieving this takes more than just PPE and dusty warning signs. Building a culture of safety starts with the company leaders, establishing the standards and foundation for the entire workforce.

What Is A Culture Of Safety?

A culture of safety is all about creating a safe environment from within the workplace. It is essential to implement safety protocols and initiate a shift in mindset and action for workers and management to achieve this.

In other words, include all workers and management in creating a safety program for the workplace. This entails training all people at all levels appropriately. This way, they can identify good and bad safety habits and work to implement them. Further, it provides a platform for workers to advocate for their safety and hold others accountable.

As a result, safety becomes a core value of the company and is always treated as a priority.

Six Indications Of A Culture Of Safety In The Workplace

Safety in the workplace and on-site plays a vital role in the standard of work produced. So, to ensure your construction project runs smoothly, let’s take a look at six indicators of a culture of safety you should look for when hiring your contractor.

1. Teams Have Undergone Safety Training

It’s vital that every member of the company understands safety protocols and how to implement them. This should be the starting point for most construction companies. This way, everyone can identify good safety habits from the bad.

Furthermore, it’s important to remember that training is industry-specific. So, while some safety protocols and standards may be easy to understand and follow, others that are industry-related are covered in specific training.

Ensuring that staff are trained to required levels also shows how dedicated the business is to its workers’ safety and well-being, creating a happier working environment for all.

After training, safety documentation should always be available to employees when needed. Even with the best training, employees will still need to refresh their memories.

2. Channels For Communication Around Safety Are Open

Communication is key. If communication channels are always open and employees feel safe to voice their concerns, there will no doubt be a safer working environment.

To implement this, companies should hold weekly or monthly meetings for employees to attend and voice their concerns. Further, it’s essential to document all information discussed or any amendments made at meetings held. Management should keep their teams updated on the progress of any issues brought up.

3. Management Should Lead By Example

When looking for a construction company that embodies a culture of safety, it’s important to start at the top. In other words, look at how the top managers handle safety on the site and how they reassure you of safety protocols.

When top management follows safety programs, the workers will likely follow their lead. So, enquire about safety courses completed by management and how they implement these teachings on site. You want to know that your build is in safe hands and that the entire construction team is on the same page.

4. Get All Hands On Deck

For a culture of safety to exist in a construction company, all members of the team need to be involved. One way to achieve this is through a safety committee. Members of the committee should update the company’s safety plans and create several safety plans suited to each stage of the project.

So, make sure you stay informed of all safety procedures and plans throughout the project.

5. Carry Out Regular Inspections

Construction companies should carry out onsite and off-site inspections weekly or even daily. Inspecting a site regularly helps to prevent accidents and injury. It also gives you the chance to walk through your build regularly to ensure that everything is going as planned.

This daily or weekly inspection time is also a great opportunity to discuss any safety issues employees may have.

6. Celebrate Successes

Positive reinforcement does wonders for maintaining a culture of safety. In other words, celebrating and acknowledging the efforts of works to adhere to safety protocols is the best way to encourage compliance.

Many incentives go a long way in showing appreciation. An extra 15 minutes added to a lunch break or an opportunity to leave work early shows workers they are valued.

Final Thoughts

A culture of safety in the workplace separates a good construction company from a great one. That’s why it is one of our core values at Chad Fisher Construction.

So, when you’re looking for a construction company to assist with a build, be sure to look for these six indications of workplace safety.