Integrated Project Delivery
How Integrated Project Delivery Improves Project Efficiency

How Integrated Project Delivery Improves Project Efficiency

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a non-traditional method of construction project management. It helps solve miscommunication issues that can cause project delays. Rather than many individual parties working together on a project, IPD brings everyone together to form a unit that cares about the overall outcome of the project, rather than just their own role in it. Here is what you need to know about… Read More

Modular Construction - Chad Fisher Construction
Modular Construction Is On The Rise: Here is Why

Modular Construction Is On The Rise: Here is Why

Modular construction is a rapidly growing industry. It offers impressive cost savings and environmental benefits. Yet we sometimes think of bland gray boxes when it comes to modular construction. But this is an outdated perception. Modular construction now produces beautiful, stylish commercial structures. There is no one specific style that modular buildings fall into. With modular technology advancing, we are constantly seeing more innovative modular… Read More

drones in commercial construction
Beyond The Lens: How Drones Change Commercial Construction Planning

Beyond The Lens: How Drones Change Commercial Construction Planning

Drones are revolutionizing commercial construction by providing more accurate surveys at a fraction of the cost. You don’t need to pay a whole team of surveyors or rent a helicopter to get accurate topographical surveys of your building site. Instead, you can use a drone for imaging, and make the planning phase of your project far more efficient. Find out why 57% of firms use… Read More

Managing What You Don't Control
Managing What You Don’t Control In Commercial Construction Projects

Managing What You Don’t Control In Commercial Construction Projects

Commercial construction projects can be unpredictable. Control what you can, plan for the unexpected. There will always be something outside of your control, like the weather. You can’t stop it from raining, but you can manage the risk through risk analysis and contingency plans. If you opt for owner-furnished, contractor-installed (OFCI) components in your commercial construction project, you need to accept the challenge of managing… Read More

Commercial Construction Scheduling Delays
3 Preventable Commercial Construction Scheduling Delays

3 Preventable Commercial Construction Scheduling Delays

Delays can be a nightmare for commercial construction projects, but there are steps you can take to prevent most of them. Especially when it comes to scheduling, several types of delays can be avoided by having an experienced general contractor, setting realistic expectations, and developing a well thoughtout project plan. To make your commercial construction project go smoothly, find out how to avoid some common… Read More